By Kanilea Grade 5

We all know the Navy is all about keeping us protected, but have you taken a deep dive into the job? My uncle professes in thethird-highest rank in the force, better known as a Commander. He’s a Surface Warfare Officer, meaning he’s qualified to work on Navy warships. His duty is to lead sailors to accomplish missions they are required to do. A US Warship’s function is a multi-mission platform. It is made to attack and defend against aircraft, ships, submarines, and strike targets on land. His grandpa was in the Air Force during World War II, and would tell stories about his experience. This interested him, and later led him to become what he is today. Coincedently, he was a part of the first class to join the Naval Academy after 9/11. Isn’t that crazy? The Naval Academy in Annapolis is a college you can attend to become an officer in the military. It includes a lot of physical activities. With morning exercises, sports competitions, obstacle courses, and more. This gives appreciation to the free time they do get. Now yes, this might make you say, “oh that sounds so boring and too much work. I don’t want to do this anymore.” One benefit you get is getting to visit foreign ports! My uncle has visited places like Bahrain, Philippines, Guam, Japan, Okinawa, Seychelles, and more. The best part of this opportunity is getting the chance to learn about all the different countries. Entering this scene can be intimidating, but just know everyone works together. You learn to treat everyone like your life depends on it because sometimes it really does.

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